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Christine Knapik - Heritage Realty Group

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Christine Knapik

Christine  Knapik
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    Although life’s career path took me to Penn State University where I have worked in the IT field since 2005, my dream job has always been in real estate. I can remember my high school days when I would flip through various magazines that would contain real estate listings. I can even remember looking at numerous types of properties, comparing their layouts as well as admiring how many of them were decorated.

    I have only been a realtor since 2022 so I am still considered fairly new to the industry, but that doesn’t intimidate me. I have an incredible brokerage supporting me with many decades of experience. I have so much passion for working with our clients and I consider each one part of my own family. My promise and commitment to my clients is to do all I can to provide guidance and expertise to aid them in selling their property or finding their dream home while making the overall process as smooth and pain free as possible.

    When I am not focused on either of my jobs, my favorite pastime is being with my family, especially my three grandchildren. I also love vacationing at the beach, camping, bicycling, kayaking, hiking and hanging out with my friends. 

    The more I learn about my exciting real estate endeavor, the more passionate and eager for knowledge I become. I will always be “Client Focused, Driven by Results.“